I ordered and promptly received (from TolgaAstro) a second ZWO ASI2400MC astronomy camera, both as a backup for the trip to Chile and to have a "real" astronomy camera (vs. my Canon EOS Ra dedicated astrophotography DSLR) for both of my imaging setups
SH2-155 Cave Nebula
It really is plug and play!
There was almost no setup required for ASI2400MC#2, as all the software (SGP, ASCOM driver) loaded for the ASI2400MC#1 was recognized immediately! I did set up separate equipment profiles in SGP for Gain158, Offset30 and Gain300, Offset30 to try and get ahead of the random gain settings I’ve been experiencing lately with the ASI2400MC#1. Again, focusing was a slight challenge having to pull the camera tube out of the neck of the focuser (and required two visits to the focus star sequence after rotating the camera to the correct angle for framing, moved the sensor out of focus). The rest of the night went reasonably well – the EQ6-R seems to be having issues when it approaches the meridian (both before and after for approximately 15 minutes). The autoguider lost track (claiming a lost guide star, but there were no clouds) at approximately 0050MDT, with transit at 0104MDT. The meridian flip required two tries and a complete shut-down reboot when the first attempt moved the mount to about 1.5° from the target, but then did not move at all on subsequent plate solve attempts. Once I did the reboot (and it was approximately 15 minutes past the meridian) the plate solving was successful, and the autoguiding worked flawlessly for the rest of the night.
The “rest of the story” is in the gallery at: https://beersastrophotography.com/gallery/sh2-155-cave-nebula/
I highly recommend TolgaAstro ( https://tolgaastro.com/ ). Tolga provides amazing customer service – willing to answer questions on the equipment you purchase from him or any other topic – that kind of customer service is worth its weight in gold!